15, Aiyappan Kovil st, Pollachi9500378564ramasamysiddha@gmail.comtamilsiddharnilayam.ramasamy


Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population at the post-pubertal age and of any sex and ethnicity. Dandruff is a condition in which white, dry flakes of dead skin are shed from the scalp It often causes itching The severity of dandruff may fluctuate with season as it often worsens in winter. in 2007 it was discovered that the responsible agent is a scalp specific fungus, Malassezia globosa,a scalpe specific fungus . Dandruff can also be manifestation of an allergic reaction to chemicals in hair gels, sprays, and shampoos, hair oils, or sometimes even dandruff medications. Following may be reasons for dandruff and it may also be aggravating factors Unclean habits,

  1. Stress and emotional problems
  2. Hard shampoos & sensitivity to hair care products
  3. Exposure to severe cold
  4. Excessive intake of oily and sweet foods

In our experience we have developed siddha medicines to control and cure dandruff. We also advice the patient to continue our external medicines once or twice a month so that it helps to prevent the remissions. We give internal medicines to stop itching and also improve overall immunity of our body. If there is hair fall along with dandruff we treat hair fall along with it.
